Monday, December 5, 2011

What I have learned about technology!

Wow! What can I say about all that I have learned in regards to technology throughout this course. I can say that my eyes have been opened to a whole new world of technology. I have learned how to use a blog, create an on-line poster, post videos to you tube, and how to utilize an on-line library. In this course I have struggled and succeeded. The on-line environment is very different from taking a course in a class room setting. In a way I feel that I miss out on some of the interpersonal feelings and the atmosphere that you receive in a class room setting. However, in this course I feel that we were introduced to a whole new style of learning, and I have to say that I have thoroughly enjoyed it!
There are many different challenges that I have encountered during the duration of this course. For example, the work load was tremendous. There was many assignments that were very challenging, and the subject matter was completely different from an other English course I have taken in the past. I feel that the on-line environment makes writing less stressful for me. I feel that I am less timid about others reading the things that I have written, which allows me to be more confident in my writing. I also feel that the on-line environment allows for more positive feedback from my peers. With the format of this course, and other on-line courses I have taken, I have received numerous comments from other students regarding my work. The positive feedback helps to promote my self-confidence.
I felt that the blog was the most beneficial technology we utilized this semester. I allowed us, as students, to show a piece of our personalities. We displayed this in the visuals we choose and the links we attached to our blogs. It was fun to watch the choices my fellow students made, and I felt that it made the writing more interesting. I had a lot of fun with the glogster on-line poster, and I like that I was able to put a spark of personality into my project. The technology in this course forced me to think outside of the box and encouraged me to put forth an incredible amount of effort. I loved the challenges presented in this course and I found myself spending much more time on the projects in this class than in my other two courses. Although this was a challenging course filled with a lot of hard work and a few stressful moments, I feel great about what I have learned throughout this course.
Being an on-line student is sometimes a challenging adventure, and , in other courses, there has been moments that I have felt I was teaching myself the information. However, in this course, every assignment I did felt like it had a true learning purpose. Technology is an amazing thing, and sometimes it just takes a little push to get to know how to use it.
click here to learn 50 ways to use technology in the classroom

1 comment:

  1. I agree! We have all learned so much and so many new things this semester. I too have thoroughly enjoyed this class! It did make it easier being online and having to submit our papers online as well as getting feedback from each other. I have taken a lot away from this class as you have. Enjoy your Christmas Break!!
